The word of the Year is *INVICTVS*

2018 was a hell of a year. We all know it. We were there. We don’t need to rehash it again.

2019 will be a hell of a year as well. Saturn and the south node on the one hand. Jupiter in Sagitarius on the other. The end of one eclipse cycle and the beginning of another. Shit I can’t even name, let alone wrap my head around.

Life goes on. We set our goals. We strive toward them. We succeed or we fail, though chance as much as cunning.

The first goal I have set myself for 2019 CE, the last of the third decade of the third millennium of That One God or Demiurge, is a single word: INVICTVS. It’s Latin. An adjective. Unconquered. Unconquerable. Invincible.


I have my goals.

What are yours?