Sorcerous Challenge: 30 Days of Re-Enchantment

In this time of COVID-19 and social isolation, we thought that we should do our part to give people something to do other than focus on the panic. Though we discussed many options (some more politically charged, perhaps involving lead tablets), what we decided would be most useful and helpful would be an actionable challenge, accessible to all levels of practitioners.

You may be working or learning from home, or, as many are, without work at all right now. This challenge is meant to be done with the supplies you have on hand, while you’re stuck at home. We pulled from our own to-do lists here, and we’ll be doing the challenge along with you. If you’re finding this on day 10 or day 20, though, feel free to jump in where we are or start at the beginning. Don’t worry if you miss a day or if a particular idea doesn’t speak to you. The point is the work, not the speed at which you do it. Let’s take advantage of this time, try to keep each other (relatively) sane, and make some magic!

If you’re feeling up to it, please post your results and share with the hashtag #Enchanted30 !

30 Days of Sorcerous Arts Challenge

  1. Tidy, reorganize, or create a new altar.
  2. Start reading a spiritual/magical/occult book that you’ve been meaning to read.
  3. Reorganize your herbs, oils, books, whatever’s been getting dusty or disheveled.
  4. Enchant or bless your soap.
  5. Listen to a spiritual/magical/occult podcast.
  6. Take a magically charged bath.
  7. Reach out on social media and thank an author or teacher you appreciate.
  8. Get in touch with your ancestors or land spirits.
  9. Reinforce your house protections.
  10. Do a gratitude ritual.
  11. Clean, oil, and sharpen your blades – magical and practical.
  12. Practice a ritual skill, like drumming, singing, writing, leading meditation, sight-reading barbarous words.
  13. Cook a meal as a magical act.
  14. Finish that ritual craft project that you started…or start a new one.
  15. Make a playlist for a deity or a magical theme.
  16. Do a candle spell.
  17. Try a guided meditation.
  18. Do magic on behalf of a friend or a loved one (with consent).
  19. Share a piece of artwork (properly credited) depicting your favorite god or spirit.
  20. Practice sitting meditation.
  21. Research a deity you’ve been interested in.
  22. Perform a ritual to the deity you researched yesterday.
  23. Take a walk in nature or spend time on your patio, listen to birds and squirrels and notice how the season is changing.
  24. Make a piece of magical or devotional art
  25. Do a purification rite.
  26. Launch a sigil.
  27. Try a magical technique you have been putting off.
  28. Write an invocation, hymn, or poem for/about a deity or spirit.
  29. Cast a spell using items from your junk drawer
  30. Try your hand at dream incubation and journal when you wake up.