Workshop: Boundaries and Shielding

Other people’s feelings got you down?  Someone else’s anger stuck in your heart chakra?  Learn to shield and exert your boundaries!

The Kansas City Sorcerous Arts Collective presents a hands-on workshop to develop your energetic hygiene and basic magical shielding skills.  Learn about the anatomy of your energetic body. Experiment with techniques to sharpen both your psychic senses and defenses. Equip yourself to focus better in stimulating and energetic environments.

The workshop is being hosted by the Kansas City Witches, Pagans, and Heathens Meet-Up, as part of their mission to build and strengthen the KC Pagan community through education, service, inter-connectivity and community support, and to inspire others to connect, lead, and leave the world a better place. The venue is Aquarius Books, the great metaphysical store of Kansas City.

Come join us at Aquarius books on Wednesday, 26 June, 2019, from 7 to 9 pm.