Carey’s Bio – Ritualist

Welcome! My name is Carey, and I’m glad to be joining the Sorcerous Arts Collective. I practice a feral sort of witchcraft influenced by the Feri tradition, and am a devoted Hellenic Polytheist. I specialize in ecstatic embodied ritual that comes from the current of Reclaiming, Diana’s Grove, and Gaia Community. I teach classes on devotional mysticism, practical craft, and ritual arts. As an artist, maker, and lover of languages, I’m finding how my skills can add to the cauldron of talents already assembled in the SAC.

My religious upbringing was a sort of benign unsupervision, so between my parents’ bookshelves and free rein at the school library, I fell deeply in love with Erica Jong’s Witches and Edith Hamilton’s Mythology. I was That Precocious Kid who brought Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs and a pack of tarot cards to school to do readings on the playground during recess. I never really grew out of it.

In middle school, I discovered this new thing called the internet, and Witchvox, and discovered there were more people like me out there and it seemed most of them were practicing Wicca. So I got some Cunningham and a copy of Bucky’s Big Blue Book, and signed petitions protesting the media circus and injustice around the West Memphis Three. Some highschool friends were experimenting with energy work, shielding, aura sensing, healing, and chakra work. Soon out of highschool I joined Gaia Community, and served there as a ritualist for many years. Through friends and relationships made there, I learned about other traditions, like ADF Druidry, Kemetic Orthodoxy, Algard British Traditional Wicca, Reclaiming, Huna, and Hellenic Polytheism. I expanded out to work with CUUPs and with the Diana’s Grove Mystery School. My Saturn Return called me to Feri Tradition, and I studied under T Thorn Coyle for two intense and amazing years at Diana’s Grove before they closed their doors.

A lifelong artist and creator, I’m poised between projects right now, waiting to see where the Muses take me next. Some of my art can be viewed on DeviantArt.

My goal is to present ritual experiences that weave the ancient myths with the deeply personal; to create accessible, welcoming, safe spaces to work magic and open to the divine; to develop processes and praxis that are in service to excellence, enchantment, and radical personal evolution; to dive deeply into the technology or ritual and magic and discover how many levels of engagement can be possible, and how to make these mysteries accessible, practical, inspiring, and relevant to modern seekers of ecstasy, wisdom, liberation, and empowerment.